Letra Destroy The Heart de The House of Love

Letra de Destroy The Heart

The House of Love

Destroy The Heart
The House of Love
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Destroy the heart, she said
It'll make you want to smash your head
Destroy the heart she said
But I need her more than I need air
Destroy the heart, she said
You will suffer and be scared
Worry, sweat and never care
But I need her more than I need air
Yes, I need her more than I need air
Baby said, I was never fun
Above the waist, completely dumb
Baby said, I should make a life
Something solid and I should suffer
Baby said, I had more to say
Than the usual boys who were just really pains
Baby said, I had so much more
But that she could not do any more for me
Destroy the heart, she said
Better soon we will be quite dead
She wanted freedom not a shackled man
But I need her more than I need air
Yes, I need her more than I need air
Baby said, I was never fun
Above the waist, completely dumb
Baby said, I should make a life
Something solid and I should suffer
Destroy the heart, she said
It'll make you want to smash your head
Destroy the heart, she said
But I need her more than I need air
Yes, I need her and I wanted her
I need her more than life itself

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