Letra Get Away de Calcutta

Letra de Get Away


Get Away
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Verse 1: I guess it's time to settle all the things. The pain it brings. In my life. They say the love can be the protocol. I can end it all. In my life.
Refrain: How many times do I have to explain myself without you in my life? How many times do I have to say...
Chorus: Get Away! I can't control my feelings. Feelings so strong that you'll never know. Give it up! The game you play is over. You burned out so hard you lost control.
Verse 2: Try to stop when you carelessly, present to me, a fistful of lies. It doesn't matter what you even say. Well, those games you play, well ,some might say.
(Refrain and Chorus)
Refrain: How many times do I have to explain myself without you in my life? How many times do I have to say....
Bridge: Get Away from me. Get Away from me. Get Away from me. Get Away from me.(Get Away from me.) I guess it's time to settle (Get Away from me.) all the things, (Get Away from me.) the pain it brings. SO TELL ME OFF!!! (Drum Solo)

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