Letra IRMS de Iron Monkey

Letra de IRMS

Iron Monkey

Iron Monkey
(0 votos)
It's a fuckin' idiots job
A little death
A defecated nose resonated over tonnes
Political starvation pent up
Gray 12 wards of evil
Murder all them fuckin' craft
Removal of offensive eye
Hand commits self string mutilator
A pig told me sought
Conquer strange threats
Degrading loss of control
Tolerant and persistent
Dull pain, no remorse
For physical abuse
Element of discord
Born out of shit
Domain ant made
And all get fucked up
Lung scorched with rubbing alcohol
Paraphilia 20 odd expired test for fluid
Prove negative sex asphyxiation
Dangerous technique of fucking
Influx priest air destroy
And play a god cunt
Politic ash individual rights
Fuckin' all I wrap chain round throat

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