Letra One Night Taco Stand de Josh Grider

Letra de One Night Taco Stand

Josh Grider

One Night Taco Stand
Josh Grider
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I know a damn good taco stand
3 and 4 dollar cold beer in a can
And picnic tables drenched in christmas lights
They serve til 3 am anything mexican
Forgive me if this seems out of line
Cause I know we just met
And you don't know me yet
But you're beautiful and i just had to ask
Would you be my senorita
Over one or two carnitas
And the am sound of an old tejano band
Have you ever had a one night taco stand
Now i know the guy that owns the place
And he's there every day
No hablo ingles but what are you gonna do
He calls me jueto grande
I call him senor jose
And i think he'd love to meet a girl like you
Girl can't you just see us sharing something wrapped in tortillas

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