Video Better Than Me de The Muffs

Video de Better Than Me

The Muffs

Better Than Me
The Muffs

You wanna think
You're better than me
And I don't think
You're better than me
Why don't you stay away
Why don't you stay away
You give a damn
You're better than me
You're a man
You're better than me
Why don't you stay away
Why don't you stay away
From what you say and do
Don't you think there's something wrong with you
You get a job
You're better than me
And I'm a slob
You're better than me
Why don't you stay away
Why don't you stay away
'Cause I don't even care
I don't think you're really even there
Even there
You comb you hair
You're better than me
You're aware
You're better than me
Why don't you stay away
Why don't you stay away...

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Video Better Than Me de The Muffs
Better Than Me
The Muffs
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