Video Facing The Wind de Nico

Video de Facing The Wind


Facing The Wind

[Verse 1]
It's holding me against my will
And doesn't leave me still
Amazons are riding out
To find a meaning for the name, my name
In the rain
My spinning on my name
In the rain, in the rain
[Verse 2]
When did it begin?
Where did it begin?
Why am I not facing the wind?
My mother and my brother
Are facing the wind
Why are they facing the wind?
Why are they facing the wind?
[Verse 3]
There's nothing more to sing about
Not now or when they carry me away in the rain
My spinning on my name in the rain
My spinning on my name in the rain, in the rain
When did it begin?
When did it begin?
Why are they facing the wind?

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