Video I Cry Too de Kaela Sinclair

Video de I Cry Too

Kaela Sinclair

I Cry Too
Kaela Sinclair

I was awake not long before I knew your name
You had a dream, you knew the person I became
I threw my voice, my little voice
All across the living room
You smiled and said
I cry too
I cry too
You were alone, despite the darkness dear you shone
And you wept, cus in your brilliance you were alone
We didn?t see but we still survived
Though you?d hoped that we would thrive
I saw you cry
I cried too
I cry too
You saw me hurt
And reached out with all that you had
I pushed you back
How could you possibly feel this bad
I met your eyes
And saw what I?d not seen before
Your smile was sad
Your voice was gentle when you said
You cry too
You spoke to me
The words I most needed to hear
I know you cry

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Kaela Sinclair
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