Video Off with the Old de Chamaeleon Church

Video de Off with the Old

Chamaeleon Church

Off with the Old
Chamaeleon Church

Off with the old
On with the new
I've asked for gold
But then I never really knew
That there are some things
That shine more than the stars
And we own everything cause nothing's really ours
And if you wish for anything that's true
Off with the old, on with the new
Some things we see I never find
I've found a ???
That always will bring me peace of mind
All of the love I'll ever need
Is all around me, in every breath I breathe
And there are some things
That shine more than the stars
And we own everything cause nothing's really ours
And if you wish for anything that's true
Off with the old, on with the new
If sometimes you doubted it
Just for a minute
It's not because it isn't really true
You're never without it, you're always within it
It's there in spite of anything you do
And there are some things
That shine more than the stars
And we own everything cause nothing's really ours
And if you wish for anything that's true
Off with the old, on with the new

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Video Off with the Old de Chamaeleon Church
Off with the Old
Chamaeleon Church
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