Video Savior de Jason Sweet

Video de Savior

Jason Sweet

Jason Sweet

Verse 1
I?m all alone, in my bedroom
I contemplate about the things I do
Well I can?t seem to recognize
Why can?t I see beyond these eyes
And I think I need a Savior like You
One who talks to me
Someone who sees everything I see
I think I need a Savior like You
One who hears my prayers
Someone who always will be there
I think I need a Savior like You
Verse 2
So Jesus can You fill my life
I want to give it all
I want to make things right
Because this time Your all I see
Jesus Your love has set me free
I don?t understand how the touch of hand
Makes me a believer
I can?t realize why these tears in my eyes say
I need You
So come in my life make everything right
I want You to be with me

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