Alexander Tcherepnin

Letras de Alexander Tcherepnin

Letras de Canciones

The Eloquent Saxophone

バレエ・リュス×音楽 30の共犯関係 - ショパンとストラヴィンスキーのはざまで

Chants d'est (Sur le sentier recouvert)


Berceuses (Lullabies) [Wiegenlieder]

Miniautres & Folklore — 23 pieces for cello and piano

Prokofiev: Sinfonia Concertante, Tcherepnin: Suite for Cello, Crumb: Sonata for Cello

Romantic Choral Music from Russia

Tcherepnin: String Quartet No.2; Piano Sonata No.1; Suite for solo cello etc


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