Dietrich Becker

Letras de Dietrich Becker

Letras de Canciones

Music and Poetry from the 30 Years' War

Baroque Chamber Music - Musica Antiqua Köln

Chamber Music (German 17Th Century) - Becker, D. / Strungk, N.A. / Reincken, J.A. / Buxtehude, D. / Forster, K. / Theile, J. (Cordarte Ensemble)

Chamber Music: London Baroque - Rosenmuller, J. / Hacquart, C. / Buxtehude, D. / Biber, H. I. F. (The Trio Sonata in 17Th Century Germany)

Dygd och Ära – Adeln och musiken i stormakts-tidens Sverige / Virtue and Glory – Aristocracy and Music in Sweden’s Age of Greatness

Echo & Risposta - Virtuoso Instrumental Music from the Galleries of the Abbey Church of Muri

My Precious Manuscript: Fantastic Sonatas from England to Germany

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