Giovanni Battista Vitali

Letras de Giovanni Battista Vitali

Letras de Canciones

Corelli Bolognese - Trio Sonatas by Corelli and his Successors

Corelli Bolognese - Trio Sonatas by Corelli and his Successors


Capritio - Instrumental Music from 17th Century Italy

Cello Stories: The Cello in the 17th & 18th Centuries

Chamber Music (Italian 17Th Century) - Merula, T. / Frescobaldi, G.A. / Marini, B. / Farina, C. / Vitali, G.B. (Sonatori De La Gioiosa Marca)

Concerto Zapico, Vol. 2

Duo In Rondeau: Dance Music At the Court of Francesco d'Este

L'Arte del Violino in Italia, c. 1650-1700

The Bass Violin Solo Repertoire

Vitali: Trio Sonatas Op. 2

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