Johann Gottfried Walther

Letras de Johann Gottfried Walther

Letras de Canciones

Dietrich Buxtehude, Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow, Georg Böhm, Georg Friedrich Kauffmann, Georg Muffat, Georg Philipp Telemann & Johann Gottfried Walther: Portrait of a Spring Chest Organ

Bach, Walther, Pachelbel & Lebegue: L'orgue de Saint-Tropez

Baroque Organ Masters - Buxtehude, Bohm, Walther

Die Orgeln des Gottfried Silbermann, Vol. 5 (Die Orgeln in Forchheim, Pfaffroda, Nassau und Ponitz)

Organ Recital: Schmeding, Martin - Kuhnau, J. / Bach, J.S. / Homilius, G.A. / Walther, J.G. / Krebs, J.L. / Rinck, J.H.C. / Mendelssohn, Felix

Ton Koopman at the Zacharias Hildebrandt Organ (1726) In Lengefeld in the Erzgebirge

Walther: Complete Organ Music, Vol. 1

Walther: Organ Works & Transcriptions, Vols. 11-12

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