Letra Against the World! de Shit Present

Letra de Against the World!

Shit Present

Against the World!
Shit Present
(0 votos)
Turn my back against the world
Self-important little girl
Might get scared, I might fail
I might go insane
I've almost given up
Learning about the brain
Just wake me up when it all ends
I could sleep from now til then
God knows I spend long enough
Lying around the bed
If it's never gonna end
Can we at least stop playing pretend
'Cause I was looking for it too
But they made it up, that's what they do
All of these white men in white rooms
Thinking up new ways to take from you
Why don't you just tell me the truth
While it's only me and you
How does it feel when you're alone
What upsets you, and why can't everyone
Live the way we do
Now you're screaming slamming doors
Thought you'd be rich but you're still poor
There's just more pressure now
Than there ever was before
If it's never gonna end
Can we at least stop playing pretend
'Cause I was looking for it too
But they made it up, that's what they do
All of these white men in white rooms
Thinking up new ways to take from you

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