Letra Bio-Feedback de Inside The Beehive

Letra de Bio-Feedback

Inside The Beehive

Inside The Beehive
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A dragon stood before a women that was ready to bare
ready to devour her child as soon as it was aware
the moon becomes like blood
the seas turn like glass, hail, fire
holding the keys of death
be watch full and strengthen what remains
"tiny incisors: shrapnel runs free"
witch are ready to perish
they will come upon you as a thief
we will not repent
pale, black, white, red
tints wont blind us anymore
rising right out of lies and fear
we will swarm like locust
and take back our plague

slicing through the mouth of the beast past the teeth
choked with white robes
bashed with gold
you are lukewarm
neather cold or hot
we will regurgitate you our of my thoughts
fear me as you mold into the wormwood
yes i say to you fear me

Drink bleach and live forever.

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