Letra Expanding Anyway de Morning Teleportation

Letra de Expanding Anyway

Morning Teleportation

Expanding Anyway
Morning Teleportation
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And I swear we were the only ones
To see the comet crash into the sun
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
The universe is like a ton of lead
Crushing down upon my little head
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Trees are capillaries of the sky
Falling deep into my little eyes
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Then I find a little clarity
When you’re laying down beside me
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
The boundaries of love aren’t hard to push
As if you ever even had to look
It’s all expanding every day, anyway
So why is love so hard to say?
Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!
Ay! Ay! Ay!
And I swear we were the only ones
To see the comet crash into the sun
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
The universe is like a ton of lead
Crushing down upon my little head
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Trees are capillaries of the sky
Falling deep into my little eyes
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Then I find a little clarity
When you’re laying down beside me
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
The boundaries of love aren’t hard to push
As if you ever even had to look
It’s all expanding every day, anyway
So why is love so hard to say?
Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!

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