Letra For Those Who Believe de xLooking Forwardx

Letra de For Those Who Believe

xLooking Forwardx

For Those Who Believe
xLooking Forwardx
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We can't thank you enough for all you've done
For all the ways you've helped us out
Taking on projects we know aren't fun
Because you believe in what we're about
You open up your heart or your home
You fix our van and you won't take pay
It feels so good to know we aren't alone
We want to take this chance to truly say:
Thank you, thank you for holding us close
Inside your hearts each time we leave
It's your faith in us that matters most
So we sing this song for those who believe
I can't thank you enough for being who you are
For sticking with me right by my side
No matter where I am, how near or far
You fill my heart with joy and pride
So I'll do my best to make this worth while
And try to make a difference when I'm away
For me, you've always gone the extra mile
I want to take this chance to say to you:
And when you lay down your head at night
Say a prayer for us that the van runs right
And that the show will go off all fun and no fights
Just keep us in mind when you turn out the lights
It means the world to us to know that you believe in what we do
And that you've got our backs no matter where we go
I swear we couldn't do this at all is if it weren't for you
We can't thank you enough for all you've done
For all the ways you've helped us out
Taking on projects we know aren't fun
Because you believe in what we're about

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