Letra Goin' Down Slow de Duane Allman

Letra de Goin' Down Slow

Duane Allman

Goin' Down Slow
Duane Allman
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I've had my fun if I don't ever get well no more
I've had my fun if I don't ever get well no more
I know my health is failing me now
I know I'm goin' down slow
Won't somebody write my mother and tell her the shape I'm in
I want somebody to write my mother and tell her the shape I'm in
I want you tell her to pray for me
Ask her to forgive me for all my sins
Mother please don't send me no doctor
A doctor can't do me no good
I don't want you to send me no doctor now
A doctor just can't do me no good
Back when I was a young boy oh
I just didn't do the things I should
Mmmm Mmmmmm
Mmmm Mmmmmm

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