Letra Let You Down de The Pale White

Letra de Let You Down

The Pale White

Let You Down
The Pale White
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It's dangerous to walk on the ice here
Lessons learned from climbing the glacier
God it's a long way down
A long way down
A long way down
A long way down
Broken leg of which I won't forget
Promise me that you don't believe in it
But would I let you down?
Let you down
Let you down
Let you down
Take the call but don't shoot the messenger
Isloating yourself from everything
But would I let you...
But would I let you...
But would I let you...
But would I let you...
But would I let you down?
Let you down
Let you down
Let you down
But would I let you down?
Let you down
Let you down
Let you down

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