Letra Lonely Smiles de WSTR

Letra de Lonely Smiles


Lonely Smiles
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I'm a scatter brain I’m a mess
I'm a loose cannon I’m a wreck
Sat on the floor I lost the war
These pills just make me upset
The doctor’s irrelevant for glassy eyes
And lonely smiles

You spun a web and caught me out
I'll rot and die here no doubt

And she said tell me what’s the fucking problem
No exaggerations
Take a break
Wind your neck in
Step back ease off the medication

It’s hard to get out of bed
The will to live escaped my head
Lost my direction
Did I fall for deception
Could I sit an dwell on texts unread

I made the wrong decision
Lost all my inner vision

And she said tell me what’s the fucking problem
No exaggerations
Take a break
Wind your neck in
Step back ease off the medication
You'll find me swinging from the rafters
Happy ever after

Don't shut me down
Can’t throw stones ‘cause I live in a glass house
Just hear me out
I'll be everything you wanted me to be now

And she said tell me what’s the fucking problem
No exaggerations
Take a break
Wind your neck in
Step back ease off the medication
You'll find me swinging from the rafters
Happy ever after

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