Letra Queen Of Hearts Reborn de Xandria

Letra de Queen Of Hearts Reborn


Queen Of Hearts Reborn
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Old as time long foretold
We all know how it ends before it has grown old...
By the hand of the Queen our hearts shall be redeemed

(Out for blood call the bluff on his heart for the queen)
(Takes the lead and foresees stakes decline here tonight)
(Play the game lead the way ready to crush and scorn)
(Blood will fall from her thorns for the queen is reborn)

Here I am to live the tale, the game is in my hands
Now up the curtain goes though you won’t seize or understand
The play before your eyes the fury in my mind
The score unwinding

Your house of cards will come tumbling down
Better fold or pass tonight I’m...

Out for blood call the bluff on your heart I the queen
Take the lead and foresee stakes decline ‘cause the wild card is mine!
(Play the game lead the way ready to crush and scorn)
The wild card is mine!
(Blood will fall from her thorns for the queen is reborn)

How ignorant is the fool who wears the mask of a king
Who is deaf to the truth screaming from within
Who so denies the world in his self-loving reign
That neither friend nor foe nor mirror could make him sane

King suicide, you won’t wither on your throne
Let it be known tonight I am...

Out for blood call the bluff on your heart I the queen
Take the lead and foresee stakes decline ‘cause the wild card is...
In the game on her way ready to crush and scorn
Blood will fall from my thorns
Call your bluff for the queen of hearts is reborn
(Out for blood call the bluff on his heart for the queen)
And the wild card is mine!
(Takes the lead and foresees stakes decline here tonight)
(Play the game lead the way ready to crush and scorn)
Oh let the truth be told score before your eyes is unwinding!
(Blood will fall from her thorns for the queen is reborn)
Queen of hearts is reborn!

Old as time and long foretold
We all knew how it would end before it could grow old
By the hand of the Queen our lives and hearts were redeemed
And again the truth prevails or so it seems

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