Letra So It Goes de Chris Pureka

Letra de So It Goes

Chris Pureka

So It Goes
Chris Pureka
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You pack your sweaters for the fall
And the flowers die in their garden rows
And the warm words can't help at all
Everybody knows...

You're trying to find a compromise
Between remembering and learning to forget
So now just pouring a glass of water
Is like trying to move boulders with your breath

It's so hard to see it all
She tries to hold you in the night
But you're shaking you're crying out
Praying for sleep to bless your bedside

That's right, so it goes
The whole world folds over you
Pack your handkerchief and your best shoes...

Reconciliation of guilt and grief
It's the hardest battle you've tried to win
And now every year you grit your teeth
As it cuts you underneath your skin

Oh and Sunday mornings don't bring you solace
You are firm in your disbelief
But you hold tight to that old promise;
You are waiting for the spring
You are waiting for the spring

That's right, so it goes
The whole world folds over you
Pack your handkerchief and your best shoes...

Don't leave me breathing
No not alone
There's so much more I meant to tell you
I went by with flowers, just to see
But that granite told me you're still gone....

Don't leave me breathing
No not alone
There's so much more I meant to tell you...
I went by with flowers, just to see
But the granite told me you're still gone....

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