Letra The Truth Is Sold de Ablaze My Sorrow

Letra de The Truth Is Sold

Ablaze My Sorrow

The Truth Is Sold
Ablaze My Sorrow
(0 votos)
Your world does not seem too fetching
Nor your way to live your life
So routine and so honest
It would not hurt with some lies

It is time to cast aside your chains
Let's hide your fears and let things change

No cruelty and no hatred
No anger, never depressed
No time for satisfaction
No time to lay down to rest

Do not believe the lie
The lie that you have been told
They say it is the truth
But the truth is sold

It is time to cast aside your chains
Let's hide your fears and let things change

Your world does not seem too fetching
Nor your way to live your life
So routine and so honest
It would not hurt with some lies

No cruelty and no hatred
No anger, never depressed
No time for satisfaction
No time to lay down to rest

Do not believe the lie
The lie that you have been told
They say it is the truth
But the truth is sold

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