Letra Ways To Be de Villa Nah

Letra de Ways To Be

Villa Nah

Ways To Be
Villa Nah
(0 votos)
So long have I waited
Waited for somebody to help me thru
I try to escape it
But can only think of ways to be with you
Ways to be with you
So now that I've wasted
Wasted all the fun that we could do
Could never replace it
I only think of ways to be with you
So long have I waited
Waited for somebody to help me thru
I try to escape it
But can only think of ways to be with you
Ways to be with you
I'll get better
With you
So long have I waited
Waited for somebody to help me thru
I try to escape it
But can only think of ways to be with you
Ways to be with you
So now that I've wasted
Wasted all the fun that we could do
Could never replace it
I only think of ways to be with you
Ways to be with you
I'll get better with you

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