Video Baby the Rain Must Fall de Jane Morgan

Video de Baby the Rain Must Fall

Jane Morgan

Baby the Rain Must Fall
Jane Morgan

Some men climb a mountain
Some men swim the sea
Some men fly above the sky
They are what they must be
Baby, the rain must fall
Baby, the wind must blow
Wherever my heart leads me
Baby, I must go, baby I must go
I do not love for silver
I do not love for gold
My heart is mine to give away
It never will be sold
Baby, the rain must fall
Baby, the wind must blow
Wherever my heart leads me
Baby I must go, baby i must go
I am not rich or famous
But who can ever tell
I don't know what waits for mе
Maybe heaven, maybе hell
Baby, the rain must fall
Baby, the wind must blow
Wherever my heart leads me
Baby I must go, baby I must go

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Video Baby the Rain Must Fall de Jane Morgan
Baby the Rain Must Fall
Jane Morgan
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