Video Beelzebub de Cancer Bats

Video de Beelzebub

Cancer Bats

Cancer Bats

Worship the shrine of the reckless
Let all of the pieces just slip through the cracks
Focus just on destruction
Keep all of the fear in the backs of my eyes
And I'll always be the truth that you need
You reach for dependence
Only these hands shake as much as they hold
I try my best to hide it
Keep all of the fear in the backs of my eyes
I will always be the truth that you need
I'm just as scared of this too
As terrified as you
We're in this you and I
It's easy to hide behind madness
Let all of the pieces just slip through the cracks
Brutality confronts the weakness
Keep all of the fear in the backs of my eyes
And I'll always be the truth that you need
But this truth is a lie in all honesty
I'm just as scared of this too
As terrified as you
We're in this you and I

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