Video Blood Mantra de Decapitated

Video de Blood Mantra


Blood Mantra

Through centuries lead their wars
Armed with crucifixes
Hardened with dogmas
And murdering every Proteus
I heard faith is a weapon to protect or kill?
If you want me find me a faith not raised from ruins
Find me a god with non dirty hands
And I will be your, I will be your assassin, assassin
Eternal struggle, exchange of souls
Seven billions of souls and there is no free trade
If god is a ware who is the businessman?
Innocent merchant with familiar face
Is kindly trying to strike a bargain
Salvation for sale
A unique offer?
Who likes fairy tales?
Who likes fairy tales?
Instinct calls for destruction
Prayers will muffle their screams
Good lord will drink this blood
Every divinity demands sacrifice
Every sacrifice needs divine purposes
This is blood mantra
A universal rite, rite
Divided by symbols
Possessed by laws
Throats cut for power
Rebels choked on their blood
Temples carved in red stone
Altars from looted gold
Sanctification by slaughter
Absolution by doom
Saviours impaled on their thrones
The reaper's dancing around
Vicious circle rolls on
I see the cultures fed by the same earth breast
I see the races watered by the same earth veins
I see all the chosen nations sharing the same breath as me
I saw civilizations burnt, their blood soaked into this earth
I saw gods raised from their ashes under different names
I saw devouring hate driven by fear of otherness, otherness, otherness

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