Video Family Man de Black Flag

Video de Family Man

Black Flag

Family Man
Black Flag

Do you want the family man or do you want the swingin' man?
You choose
(Family man)
You get the family man

Family man
Family MAN
With your glances my way, taken no chances on the new day
Family man
Family man with your life all planned
Your little sand castle built
Smiling through your guilt
Family, man
Here I come
Here I come family man
I come to infect. I come to rape your woman
I come to take your children into the street
I come for YOU family man family man
With your christmas lights already up
You're such a man when your puttin' up your christmas lights, first on the block
Family man
Family man, I wanna crucify you to your front door, with nails
From your well stocked garage, family man, family man
Family man
Saint dad. Father on fire. I've come to incinerate you
I've come home

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Video Family Man de Black Flag
Family Man
Black Flag
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