Video Forbidden Lullaby de Rise to Fall

Video de Forbidden Lullaby

Rise to Fall

Forbidden Lullaby
Rise to Fall

We used to be a sole flame
Fed with divine connection
Now the light's turning pale
I'm on the way to hate you
Not forgotten - sure I'll make you pay
But I'm still dependent -
Give me a sigh to stay alive
I won't allow the things you say
I just stop climbing
I won't allow the things you say
I just stop climbing
Nothing will bring us back home
The golden moments we shared
Cause now this pain can't be mend
I'm on the way to nullify you
Not forgotten - sure I'll make you pay
But I'm still dependent -
Give me a sigh to stay alive
I won't allow the things you say
I just stop climbing
I won't allow the things you say
I just stop climbing
Down on my knees you see me pray
Pray for absolution
You simply use me as a pawn
To satisfy your gap
And now I am in the warpath
Another day forgotten
You came to me as a windfall
But now the seed is rotten
Down on my knees you see me pray
Pray for absolution
Tell me what can I sacrifice
To feel you closer
Not forgotten - sure I'll make you pay
But I'm still dependent -
Give me a sigh to stay alive
I won't allow the things you say
I just stop climbing
I won't allow the things you say
I just stop climbing

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Video Forbidden Lullaby de Rise to Fall
Forbidden Lullaby
Rise to Fall
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