Video Going To The Country de Bruce Cockburn

Video de Going To The Country

Bruce Cockburn

Going To The Country
Bruce Cockburn

Look out the window, what do I see?
Cows hangin' out under spreading trees
ZOOM! they're gone behind the sign
White letters pointing to the long white line
And I'm going to the country
O, la la la la la
I'm going to the country
Sunshine smile on me

I can smell the grass growing in the field
Wind in my hair tells me how it feels
Farm house, silver roof flashing by
Tractor-trailer truck says goodbye with a sigh
And I'm going to the country
O, la la la la la
I'm going to the country
Sunshine smile on me

Birds singing, I'm singing in my bones
Doesn't much matter now where I'm going
Get it when I get there is what I'll do
If I get enough I'll give some to you
And I'm going to the country
O, happy as can be
I'm going to the country
Sunshine smile on me

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Video Going To The Country de Bruce Cockburn
Going To The Country
Bruce Cockburn
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