Video It's a Pipe Bomb Jobriath de Invalids

Video de It's a Pipe Bomb Jobriath


It's a Pipe Bomb Jobriath

How tall can we stand
Lean back up on our heels to go
Where we aren’t allowed
Speak sophisticate, trochee and iamb
Honestly, it was our mistake
Mutter apologies under a borrowed sigh
Read out on our face
Waiting for someone to pick you up outside
Hidden back behind the row of dimming lights
Obscuring half your face, you watch but don’t speak up
After all, you’d rather let them be, pursuing fleeting things
Squeezing onto hands that don’t squeeze back
(Kurai raito ushiro kaoga kakure
Kimiha sakebu warera nozoki kiita)
Honest, it wasn’t our intention
Bending lines and blurring lights, you feel faster
If you can keep your eyes from closing now
Our faculties as such withstand
The will we’ve lost, the wherewithal to let them be now
Go ahead, I don’t mind
Go on ahead, I don’t mind
Lost on the idea of some cinematic close
We thought that it would build to something meaningful
But dragging through the leads and giving up the ghost
Didn’t really leave us much to take home
Maybe the lesson was just to be mindful
The nothing was ever what we were expecting
Maybe the timing would work out if we would just wait
And let it work out
Gathering up our things away from where they belong
Gathering up the courage to leave them flustered in disarray
To beat in the back roads, to fit in a better role
What we couldn’t see at first, though we struggled
That if we’d stayed until the end, everything’s explained, and it was simple
It isn’t deeper than we thought, just our approach was wrong, thinking too hard
In truth, there was nothing to get, there was nothing to know, it’s just in how it’s told

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