Video Northward Winds Were Bound to Happen de Take Notice

Video de Northward Winds Were Bound to Happen

Take Notice

Northward Winds Were Bound to Happen
Take Notice

Open eyes, and I am sailing away from this
No consequences keep me from becoming what I've missed
I am tired, feeling blinded, but excited
Packing up my memories
Let's get this fucking started
So I'll step foot outside my door
I can't get into this, for all the headaches in the world
That keep drilling themselves in
I'm hopped up on Vicodin
But this weight that's on my shoulders
It keeps killing me over and over
Let say that I am setting sail
I hate to be cliche, but it fits me oh so well
And your words, a sea of irony
Let's say this song isn't about those hips or heartaches
It's about me taking on the world
I'm not rotting away from the inside
Cause I feel like I've been
Turning up a garden in a deadzone
And when you're on your own
Can you keep up? I mean, can you really?
I've found another way to turn
Turn up a garden in a dead zone
I've found another way to turn this ship around
Get the hell out of my hometown
Let's say I'm overwhelmed and
The stress has gotten the best of me
Let's say I'm bending over backwards
And nothing ever happens
Pain pills can take away the worst
But they'll never cure my seasickness
These butterflies, they'd better surface
Set sail tonight on an open course
Stars above my head I can't ignore
So we set a course, yeah we set it well
We'll be together as we will in hell

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