Video Read + Write de Turbowolf

Video de Read + Write


Read + Write

[Verse 1]
We're dagger dagger tag
They see my battle-axe
Blackened pillows, on my page it grows
Oh no, oh no, oh no
They're knockin' on our door
Oh, we are the jury to be held
We stand up, let out noise
We learn to read and write
We stand up, late at night
We learn to read and write
[Verse 2]
We're here, do not fear
We'll get the single to ya
With no screams, no blood
Just a demon's love
He will death me
You know I wanna know
Why take them?
Oh, we are the jury to be held
We stand up, let out noise
We learn to read and write
We stand up, late at night
We learn to read and write
Read and write
Read and write
We got outside our wall
'Fore darkness grows
'Fore darkness grows
We got outside our wall
'Fore darkness grows
'Fore darkness, ahh
We got outside our wall
'Fore darkness grows
'Fore darkness grows
We got outside our wall
'Fore darkness grows
We died, tonight
We died!
We stand up, let out noise
We learn to read and write
We stand up, late at night
We learn to read and write
Read and write
Read and write
Ah-oh, ah-oh
Ah-oh, ah-oh
Ah-oh, oh, oh, ohh!

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