Video Smudge de Michael Nau

Video de Smudge

Michael Nau

Michael Nau

Walking together
Walking apart
It happens now or never
Every time sometimes in my heart
Forget some things
Remember others
A strong bell rings
And the rain just hovers
The room that still nudges
Our hope to be hoped
Flicking light buzzes
On everything almost
New smudge on the smudges
New smear on the smear
The wheel never budges
But there's no need to steer
Is making love only going for a swim?
You feel all wet and lonely and get all dried out again
The ripples spread out
The secrets float
As the air gets let out of another sinking boat
And it just keeps going
If it’s done it's done
Still flowing the flow all around the sun
So happy and sad for anything that tries
Spinning wheels in the sand and treading waters on the rise
Boxes piling on the morning dew
Children smiling like they haven't got a clue
Kisses kissed on a passer by
New tripper trips on the old trip wire
The songs keep playing out
Days keep fading out
Faces keep trading out
Places to keep waiting out
Something coming around some bend
Waiting for something to never end

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Video Smudge de Michael Nau
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