Video The Hollow Hour de Rolo Tomassi

Video de The Hollow Hour

Rolo Tomassi

The Hollow Hour
Rolo Tomassi

If you knew what can cut through
The terrible and pure
What can be saved?
Preserved in hearts, keep it close
We believe we have control
But time is terminal
The ache of our agony
Cutting through, let it sting
For nothing more may lie here
Cherish this weight
It's all that remains
If we're to go on
Let it stay
It's so tragic
Let it sink in
It's so tragic
Let it sink in
It's so tragic
Let it sink in
I don't know how this is supposed to be
Conquered and confined in
Clutching to memory
I don't know how this is supposed to be
Conquered and confined in
Clutching to memory
It's played out in silence
It's haunting
Can you feel it?
Reminders are mirrored
Can you feel it?
It's played out in silence
It's haunting
Can you feel it?
Reminders are mirrored
Can you feel it?
What comes to pass, when we dissolve? (It's played out in silence)
Ultimate darkness, playing out silently (It's haunting, can you feel it?)
In hollow hours, bring it to light (Reminders are mirrored)
Life has meaning here (Reflecting, can you feel it?)

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Video The Hollow Hour de Rolo Tomassi
The Hollow Hour
Rolo Tomassi
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