Video The Roundabout de Ryley Walker

Video de The Roundabout

Ryley Walker

The Roundabout
Ryley Walker

There's no instance
In conscience or convenience
Even though you stand
On heavy shoulders
I'll take the roundabout
Cause I like to see St. Jude
Again and again
Hands folded in prayer
God, do you write prescriptions?
God damn my signature is fake
I'll take the roundabout
Cause I like to see my house
Number four number five number six number seven
And number eight
And I'd buy you a drink
My credit is quite shit
We can all laugh
And have tap water
My friend laughs
Cause he thinks he's having a daughter
You can find me at the roundabout
And you try the passagenger door
Aw shit man, it doesn't even work
And you cry like you've never seen water
Come to think of it
I think my dad wanted a daughter
You can find me at the roundabout
Where every lotto ticket
Wins you ten dollars
Inside city limits
That don't even buy cigarettes
You hit the back road
You grab a carton
Lean into my shoulder
Wearing an old man's coat
Couple more badges and a ten cent stamp
Will you love me at the roundabout?
You can find me at the roundabout

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Video The Roundabout de Ryley Walker
The Roundabout
Ryley Walker
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